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2024 Legislative Reports
Iowa State Police Association Resolutions
Resolution #1
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: Police officers and fire fighters risk their lives to protect the citizens of their communities and this state; and
WHEREAS: Performance of their duty sometimes results in sever and substantial injury to these officers; and
WHEREAS: These injuries sometimes mean the end of these officers’ careers; and
WHEREAS: These officers may be able to find other employment after being retired with a disability; and
WHEREAS: The current pension law provides for a reduction of pension income when an officer has earnable income greater than 1½ times the salary of their position at retirement; and
WHEREAS: This effectively freezes those officers’ income indefinitely;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to increase the amount of income an officer may earn before the reduction of pension benefits from 1½ times to 2½ times the salary of their position.
Resolution #2
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: The 2017 Iowa General Assembly passed legislation that effectively rendered Chapter 20 Public Sector Collective Bargaining useless; and
WHEREAS: Chapter 20 has been in force for over 40 years and has provided a level field for both employers and employees; and
WHEREAS: This will adversely affect public employees, including peace officers, for years to come;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to reverse this injustice to the public safety officers of Iowa
Resolution #3
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: Law enforcement is an inherently dangerous occupation; and
WHEREAS: Some law enforcement officers are called upon to pay the ultimate price; and
WHEREAS: Section 425.15 of the Iowa Code provides for an additional homestead credit for Iowa military veterans or spouses of veterans who are severely injured or killed in the performance of their duties;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to provide this same credit to Iowa peace officers and fire fighters or their spouses who are severely injured or killed in the performance of their duties.
Resolution #4
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: The Municipal Fire and Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI/411 System) currently states “Member in good standing” means a member in service who is not subject to removal by the employing city of the member pursuant to Section 400.18 or 400.19, or other comparable process, and who is not the subject of an investigation that could lead to such removal. Except as specifically provided pursuant to Section 411.9 a person who is restored to active service for purposes of applying for a pension under this chapter is not a member in good standing.”
WHEREAS: The 411 System and the Courts have interpreted the present 411.1(14) member in good standing and the phrase “other comparable process” in a way that creates an untenable situation for the members.
WHEREAS: A member who is merely challenging his disciplinary action even after he has served the suspension imposed is not in good standing until all appeals which could include the district court and the supreme court have been exhausted.
WHEREAS: Even if the member prevails at the Civil Service Commission and it is the City taking the appeal, the member is still not considered to be in good standing. MFPRSI and the courts consider the appeal to be “other comparable process.” The court in determining that an appeal is “other comparable process” noted that the penalty can be increased from suspension to discharge.
WHEREAS: The member at present is in an untenable position requiring the member to give up either the right to continue to appeal what the member considers unwarranted disciplinary action or to put on hold for up to three years his pension application.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to change Iowa Code section 411.1(14) Member in good standing to limit the loss of good standing only to termination and not any lesser form of discipline; and provide that good standing could not be lost until all administrative, court or contract appeals had been exhausted. Furthermore, the Iowa State Police Association petitions the Iowa General Assembly to make changes to Iowa Code section 411 as outlined in House File 797 as passed during the 2021 legislative session.
Resolution #5
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: Anti-law enforcement attitudes and calls to defund the police have continued to increase in Iowa and throughout the country; and
WHEREAS: Violence against law enforcement officers is increasing, causing serious injuries and other health conditions; and
WHEREAS: Morale among law enforcement officers is at an all-time low, making it difficult to recruit and retain quality law enforcement officers; and
WHEREAS: Significant disparity in wages and benefits between State and local law enforcement agencies has contributed to a decline in local law enforcement strength; and
WHEREAS: Public safety in Iowa will be jeopardized by a lack of local law enforcement personnel.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to require all law enforcement agencies to offer a sick leave insurance program (SLIP) benefit which allows retiring officers to use accumulated sick leave to pay the cost of health insurance premiums upon retirement, similar to the benefit offered to State employees of the Iowa Department of Public Safety.
Resolution #6
Submitted by the Iowa State Police Association Board of Directors
WHEREAS: Distracted driving is dangerous, claiming over 3,500 lives in 2021; and
WHEREAS: Any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on a phone, is unsafe and takes full attention away from the task of driving; and
WHEREAS: Texting is the most alarming distraction among drivers; and
WHEREAS: Sending or reading a text takes the drivers’ eyes off the road for 5 seconds or more; and
WHEREAS: When driving 55 mph sending a text is like driving with ones’ eyes closed for the entire length of a football field; and
WHEREAS: Any non-driving activity is a potential distraction, increasing the risk of crashing, injury and possible death; and
WHEREAS: You cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has your full attention.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Iowa State Police Association petition the Iowa General Assembly to enact laws prohibiting the use of any electronic device while driving, unless doing so in “hands free” mode and making said violations moving violations.
Ryan Anderson, Local 55, made a motion to approve. Zach Diersen, Local 16, seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Attested to by David McFarland Secretary/Treasurer