January 8 - 12, 2024
Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
7105 NW 70th Ave Bldg. 4640
Johnston, IA 50131
FBI-LEEDA is pleased to present a 4½-day course on media and public relations. Police cannot succeed without the support of the community they are sworn to protect. The image of an agency as a professional and ethical organization is vitally important. This course will guide the participants to promoting a consistent and positive public image of the department, enabling the community to perceive their police as a transparent organization they can depend on and trust. There are three key opinion influencers; participants will learn how each can positively or negatively affect public opinion.
Students will participate in media training with numerous desktop and on-camera exercises. Topics covered include; image, branding and perception, the media’s role in public opinion, managing social media communications, interview preparation and principles for communicating in a crisis event.
Register online at www.fbileeda.org or call 877-772-7712 for more information. The registration fee is $795/student. Class begins at 8:30 am. Dress: business casual.
Hosted by: Brady Carney and the Iowa Law
Enforcement Academy
For local information regarding the training venue or hotel accommodations for this training
opportunity, please contact Sherry Poole at Sherry.poole@iowa.gov or call 515-331-5764
Seminar registration is open to all law enforcement – sworn and professional civilian staff. (You
are not required to be a member of FBI-LEEDA to attend.)
For more information, please click here.