
August 2022 Newsletter

90th Annual Conference

Plans for the 90th Annual ISPA Conference are wrapping up. Local #5 Cedar Rapids is working hard to create an exceptional conference you will not want to miss. You can see our schedule for Monday’s golf, as well as Monday and Tuesday evening events, along with the conference agenda on the website.

Monday evening make sure to get in on the bags tournament in the Bud Light Lounge after stuffing yourself with some delicious BBQ. No need to register for the bags tournament just show up.  Monday night you can also enjoy Sugar and Spice, no its not more food. CONTINUE READING

By Steve Hanson, Past President

The Iowa State Police Association (ISPA) Purple Heart Award was developed in 2013 for the purpose of honoring extraordinary Iowa peace officers who have been seriously wounded or killed in the line of duty as a result of a combat incident.

The Purple Heart award is granted to any sworn Iowa peace officer who has been seriously, critically, or fatally injured in the performance of law enforcement duty. In addition, this award may be conferred if an injury was averted by the wearing of body armor. This award will be given in all cases resulting in line of duty death, but will otherwise be limited to those cases involving an attack by an assailant or  the performance of an act of valor.

The 2022 Purple Heart Award will be given to 4 different recipients at the 90th Annual Iowa State Police Association Conference in Cedar Rapids on Tuesday evening October 4th, 2022. 

By Melissa Henderson, ILEA Academy Council

I am in my second term on the ILEA Council and continue to learn and grow as your council representative.
Our last council meeting was August 1st, 2022 however above and beyond council meetings I have been asked to be a part of some sub-committees. 

I am on the curriculum committee.  We will be working on creating consistency with curriculum across the state with in-service training and the police academies.  I am also on the hiring committee.  We will be working on possible updates and changes to the hiring process for law enforcement agencies.  We are gathering data from other states and will be trying to find what’s best for our testing procedures in Iowa. 

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By Gavin Carman, Local #23 Cedar Falls

Hello fellow ISPA members. I would like to take an opportunity to introduce myself and announce my intention of running for the ISPA Executive Board at the 90th Annual ISPA Conference in Cedar Rapids this October.
My name is Gavin Carman and I am a 2nd shift patrol Lieutenant for the Cedar Falls Police Department. I have been with the department for 15 years; one year as a civilian employee and 14 years as a police officer. CONTINUE READING
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