The Iowa State Police Association is proud to partner with Professional Law Enforcement Association (PLEA) to offer discounted Group Legal Defense, Team Legal, and HR218 coverage to our members. Below is a quick summary of the PLEA website and plans available through partnership with ISPA. For more information visit PLEA.
Enrollment Forms
Group Coverage Enrollment Form
Law enforcement is under constant scrutiny and abuse, and the stakes are now higher than ever – and so are the costs. Allegations of criminal misconduct can cost you thousands of dollars to defend, and even bring financial ruin. Protecting yourself through PLEA has always been a good idea – and now, it’s an absolute necessity for you and your family.
We are living in a litigious society, and the cost to defend oneself in court is high. In addition, criminal or civil charges can take all your savings for legal fees, even if you are not guilty as charged!
Thankfully, the Professional Law Enforcement Association offers outstanding Legal Defense protection which will give you the peace of mind, as well as provide the protection for you and your family, should you be involved in a duty-related incident.
Even if your employer provides an attorney, PLEA will send an attorney to monitor the proceedings to make sure you are personally protected.
All Law Enforcement Professionals need protection against Civil Lawsuits, Criminal Charges, and/or Administrative Incidents that happen during their interactions with members of the public.
As a member of a group, Association, lodge or department, each participant can save 14% from the individual price by joining with other Law Enforcement Professionals. By providing and/or offering Legal Defense Coverage through PLEA, you are providing a necessary benefit that will help maintain and grow membership in your organization.
- Civil, Criminal, Administrative & Non-duty Administrative Supplemental : $190.00
- Telephone Consultation Program: $39.00
- CIVIL - Duty Related
- CRIMINAL - Duty Related
- Cost $96.00 annually (group rate)
- Coverage paid in full when using a plan attorney
- HR 218 - Plan A -- $5,000 AD&D (24 hour - on and off duty)
Active and retired Law Enforcement professionals need HR 218 Legal Defense coverage because the threat of criminal activity does not stop when you hang up the badge (whether it be for the day or for retirement). Threats happen at all times and because you are highly trained and skilled at dealing with these threats you could one day find yourself in a position to protect yourself, your family, or strangers from criminal activity.
PLEA lead the way in rolling out HR218 Coverage and remains one of the few in the country offering this important protection. We offer 6 different levels of coverage at extremely competitive rates.
When purchasing HR218 Coverage through PLEA you will receive Defense of Criminal Charges and Defense of Civil Lawsuits. You choose what attorney you would like to represent you in all cases. PLEA has an extensive professional network of plan attorneys nationwide to choose from.
In addition to the chosen Maximum benefit plan, each participant receives $1,000 Reimbursable costs, Investigative fees and expert witness fees.
Plan A of HR218 Coverage is included as a benefit for current Legal Defense program participants. This plan allows for attorney’s fees with a maximum benefit of $5,000 Criminal Charges and $10,000 Civil Lawsuits.
Cost per year without Legal Defense is $59.00